According to a recent interview in "Rolling Stone", the creator of sucesses like Buffy, Firefly and Dollhouse (well not yet for this last show) might be considering leaving TV networks to focus on broadcasting over the internet in the future. The reason behind this may be related to the pressures and limitations that TV networks put on producers to deliver a show, and the fact that profitability is often prioritized over quality. Then again, I'm just speaking my mind on the TV industry, area where I'm no expert but just an avid observer.
Short excerpt from the interview on the success of " Dr Horrible sing-along blog"on the internet:
"What what was it about Internet series first appealed to you?
I had been very interested in the idea of making things on the cheap with the people that I love and trust — low risk, medium yield kind of stuff where you can just do what you think is right and not have to worry."
Read the rest of the interview in Rolling Stone.
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